Top Questions asked about the Lake Superior Life Care Center's services

1. Do you offer pregnancy testing?

Yes. We do urine-based pregnancy tests for free on a walk-in or appointment basis.

If a woman suspects she might be pregnant, getting a lab-quality pregnancy test in a center is an excellent first step. Whether you’re not sure what to do or you feel relatively sure, starting with a test will help you know whether there is a viable pregnancy occurring. Before you begin worrying or start off and running with the next task, talk with your counselor and come up with a plan. You have options…

For some the thought of abortion is strong and feels like the only way to go. Our peer counselors are trained to answer questions about abortion procedures, the possible risks and side effects involved, your rights, and the steps you want to take before making an appointment for an abortion.

We would be happy to have you come in for a confirmation pregnancy test, for information, or for a consultation with one of our counselors.  Contact us today for an appointment or simply walk in.

2. Do you offer abortions, or can you tell me where I can get one?

No. The Lifecare Center network is a group of pregnancy resource centers that takes a life-affirming stance with regards to abortion and contraception. This means that we do not refer for or perform abortions in our centers.

3. Can I get the Morning After Pill here?

No. Serious as well as minor side effects have been reported with the use of the morning after pill. We care and we want what is best for you. The chance of getting pregnant after one act of intercourse is so slim that we encourage assessing the situation more closely first.

Come in for a pregnancy test. Call or come in for a quick consultation. The morning after pill is several times the dose of one birth control pill. This can do serious damage to your fertility or, at the very least, leave you feeling ill.

It can increase your risk of an ectopic pregnancy should you become pregnant after taking the morning after pill.  It also has abortifacient properties and if implantation has already occurred it could cause an early abortion.

4. Do you provide ultrasounds?

We offer limited OB ultrasounds in-house on an appointment basis. You can also make an appointment to see a doctor during our free medical clinic for a consultation.  The doctor will determine whether an ultrasound should be ordered. 

5. Do you hand out the pill or condoms?

No. All Life Care Centers are life-affirming and do not provide or promote birth control of any kind.

The pill and other forms of hormonal contraception can cause unhealthy side effects ranging from mild to serious. Take time to learn more before you put your body through this. While it may be a help in preventing pregnancy, it does not prevent the spread of STIs/STDs. It could also be causing damage to your fertility in ways that may affect your ability to get pregnant later, should you want to. It also has abortifacient properties. (See birth control pills).

Condoms are not 100% effective against the spread of STIs/STDs. They can cause side effects if there is an allergy. There is also the possibility that it could slip or break during intercourse, potentially resulting in pregnancy.

6. Can I be tested for STIs/STDs there?

No, but we can provide referrals to places that provide STI/STD testing. 

7. Can I get diapers or formula here?

Yes.  Diapers and formula are available once a month for parents who are participating in the Earn While You Learn Program.  We also offer emergency assistance.

8. Do you offer rental assistance?

Are you pregnant or have a baby under 3 months? Have you already contacted your county for emergency assistance and been turned down? Have a need for one-time help with rent due to pregnancy-related causes?  Have you already tried family, friends, and other resources?  You might be eligible for help through Cradle of Hope.  Give us a call for a free consultation.

We do have other resources that may help. Please feel free to come in and discuss your concerns with our housing counselors.

We accept much more… If you have questions about making donations please call the Lake Superior Life Care Center today: (715) 394-4102 or (218)727.3399.